Catechetical Series on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – and the Contrast with the New Mass

A series of homeschool classes, designed for high school and adults, on the doctrine and devotion of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

These homeschool classes, like our Aquinas Alive course, are an easy-listening series of talks on the rich Catholic teaching on the Mass. The class are serious, but also at times light-hearted and entertaining, and chock full of true Catholic teaching, and with the proper emphasis on the element of sacrifice, exemplified in the Old Testament, and fulfilled by Christ in the New.

Also quotes the spiritual Masters on how to get more spiritual benefit from the Holy Sacrifice. 

Included with course: “20 Mysteries” -A talk from John Vennari on the many issues with Pope John Paul II’s “Luminous Mysteries”  The talk is taken from John Vennari’s catechism course “More Glorious than the Seraphim.”

13 Classes 

1) Sacrifice and Religion

2) Sacrifice in the Old Testament – I

3) Sacrifice in the Old Testament – II

4) Priest, Victim, Altar: The Components of Sacrifice

5) The Sacrifice of Christ: Promise and Fulfillment

6) The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

7) Our Participation in the Mass: Tremendous Source of Grace

8) Our Participation (Part II) • Why is the Mass in Latin?

9) Introduction to Vatican II

10) The New Mass: a Protestantized Liturgy

11) GIRM and the Ottaviani Intervention

12) New Mass: Following Cramner’s Lead

13) Summing up: The Mass and You

These lectures are jam packed with doctrinal and devotional information that helps you and your children understand the true Catholic doctrine on the Mass at a time when the liturgy and the Catholic’s understanding of the Mass is severely compromised. “And for what it’s worth, my children loved this course.” – j vennari



All talks on this site are download only. 
After purchasing, you will immediately be given access to a download link. It will be in a .zip format and once expanded, will be an mp3 that is broken up into several tracks, depending on what you purchase. 
The move away from CD’s is based on requests from people and lack of use for CD’s due to the rapid change in technology. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to those not as technologically involved.
-Thank you, Oltyn Library Services