More Glorious Than the Seraphim
: The Catholic Doctrine and Devotion on Our Blessed Mother

This unique, inspiring and informative series includes:
Blessed Abbot Marmion on Our Lady; The History of the Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception; Her Fullness of Grace; Our Lady Prefigured in the Old Testament; Accounts of Miraculous Conversions; Mary, Conqueror of All Heresies; Our Lady of Revelation; The Miracles at Lourdes; How The Glories of Mary Came to be Written; Her Title of Co-Redemptrix; Mediatrix of All Grace; The Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary: A Break with Tradition; Answering Protestant Objections to Marian Doctrine and Devotion; The Story of Guadalupe; Our Lady of Fatima; The Immaculate Heart.

“Excellent!!!!!” – R.M, Bethseda, MD
“I listen to these wonderful lectures over and over again! ” – H.S., Toronto
“These lectures have made me appreciate Our Lady’s glories and prerogatives like never before.” – M.B., Cuba, NY


All talks on this site are download only. 
After purchasing, you will immediately be given access to a download link. It will be in a .zip format and once expanded, will be an mp3 that is broken up into several tracks, depending on what you purchase. 
The move away from CD’s is based on requests from people and lack of use for CD’s due to the rapid change in technology. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to those not as technologically involved.
-Thank you, Oltyn Library Services