This unique, inspiring and informative series includes:
Blessed Abbot Marmion on Our Lady; The History of the Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception; Her Fullness of Grace; Our Lady Prefigured in the Old Testament; Accounts of Miraculous Conversions; Mary, Conqueror of All Heresies; Our Lady of Revelation; The Miracles at Lourdes; How The Glories of Mary Came to be Written; Her Title of Co-Redemptrix; Mediatrix of All Grace; The Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary: A Break with Tradition; Answering Protestant Objections to Marian Doctrine and Devotion; The Story of Guadalupe; Our Lady of Fatima; The Immaculate Heart.
“Excellent!!!!!” – R.M, Bethseda, MD
“I listen to these wonderful lectures over and over again! ” – H.S., Toronto
“These lectures have made me appreciate Our Lady’s glories and prerogatives like never before.” – M.B., Cuba, NY