The New ‘Norm’ is the Old ‘Abnorm’

Delivered in Ridgefield CT, Summer, 2010. Explains that what had been unthinkable in the past regarding modernist doctrine coming from the highest places in the Church is now the norm in the Church. Spotlights an aspect of Pope Benedict’s pontificate that appears traditional, but is actually following the new conciliar program.
Mr. Vennari also focuses on Archbisop Koch, the new Prefect of the Congregation for Christian Unity, who some believe to be more conservative than the former Prefect, Cardinal Kasper. Upon close examination, however, we are disappointed to learn that he is primarily an ecumenical prelate, as was Kasper. Further, he was for years Hans Kung’s bishop and never lifted a finger against him. The lecture looks at how the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”, founded in 1908 as an effort to convert non-Catholics, has become an ecumenical celebration that exchanges the notion of working toward the conversion of non-Catholics with the new idea of “convergence with” non-Catholics. Contains much helpful and educational material, and helps you to understand the present abnormal situation which is crucial to help you remain steadfast in the Catholic Faith of all time


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